What is HVHZ certified?
The High Velocity Hurricane Zone (HVHZ) is sometimes called The Dade County Code. If you are in Broward County or Miami-Dade County you are in the High Velocity Hurricane Zone (HVHZ). In this area, you must have HVHZ approved products. The wind pressure required or “design pressure” (DP) is higher and the anchoring method is a little more stringent. For the rest of the State of Florida, the governing authority is Florida Building Code (FBC). All products must have FBC approval. The approval required will depend on which area or zone you are in.

What is the Florida Product Approval?
By Florida state law, building envelope components such as roofing, shutters, doors and windows are required to have a Florida Product Approval that provides evidence that the product is suitable for use in the state of Florida based on standards set in the current Florida Building Codes. Specific limitations of use are provided that limits the approved product’s use to rated structural loads.
The most vulnerable points of your home are its openings and should be the first priority in preparing your home to withstand a hurricane. Consider replacement hurricane doors and hurricane impact windows that are specifically designed and constructed to maintain the safety of your home and family within the HVHZ.
Our windows and doors have been tested against the hardest hurricane standards in the nation and were approved by the florida building code (FL# 12092-r1).
We help you keep your home safe with the best standards. Eurocraft Windows for Life.